Suns in the Basket


Gift these beautiful yellow themed flowers that has magnetism as like a Sun!
Basket arrangement is filled with Sun Flowers and Calla Lily.


Gift these beautiful yellow themed flowers that has magnetism as like a Sun!
This basket arrangement consists of Sun Flowers and Calla Lily.

While we always strive to ensure that products are accurately represented in our photographs, from season to season and subject to availability, our florists may be required to substitute one or more flowers for a variety of equal or greater quality, appearance and value.

Please call us before ordering to check availability for seasonal flowers.

When your flowers arrive in closed bud form, it’s okay. After a time the roses they’ll begin to bloom beautifully in no time!

NOTE: We attempt to create arrangement to look like on the picture but in certain conditions, we may need to make flower substitutions. Please be confident that we will make your flower arrangement look gorgeous.

Additional information

Weight 100 g
Select size to add to cart

Standard, Deluxe, Premium