Bouquet of red roses with Chocolate


Indulge in love and sweetness with our Bouquet of Red Roses with Chocolate! This romantic arrangement of red roses symbolizes love and admiration, perfectly paired with delectable chocolates to add a touch of sweetness to the occasion. Order now to surprise your loved one with this delightful and heartfelt gift!

One Bunch of 10 Red Roses Arrangement combined with 1 box of Ferrero Rocher Chocolate to make your lucky recipient happy.


20 in stock


Bouquet of Red Roses with Chocolate

Order the combos of flowers and chocolates to sweeten your bond of love, initiate a new relationship, or express your feelings. Flowers symbolize love and beauty, while chocolates symbolize sweetness and care. Together they make an excellent combo to be gifted to your loved ones on multiple occasions.

When it comes to gifting, flowers and chocolates are the ultimate combinations. A good option is to send Bouquet of Red Roses with Chocolate online and we give you the ease of shopping online. Our website is easy enough to place a quick online order, even if you have limited time. Send Bouquet of Red Roses with Chocolate to your loved ones on special occasions by purchasing them online.

They are a perennial favorite, and a gift of flowers with chocolates would never go wrong, whatever the occasion. Both of them are a must at any celebration. Valentine’s Day celebrations are all about chocolates and flowers. Whether it’s for a birthday or an anniversary celebration, or as a romantic gesture, this classic combo of flowers with chocolates is the ideal gift.


  1. Flowers always prefer to stay in temperatures between 8 to 22 degrees Celsius, and always avoid placing the flowers near direct sunlight, heating or cooling vents, directly under ceiling fans, or anywhere with a hot temperature.
  2. You can remove the packing, allow them to breathe & put it in a clean vase with water.
  3. Change the water daily & Cut at least 2cm of the stems and remove the leaves below the waterline.
  4. While we always strive to ensure that products are accurately represented in our photographs, from season to season and subject to availability, our florists may be required to substitute one or more flowers for a variety of equal or greater excellently, appearance, and value. Please be confident that we will make your flower bouquet look gorgeous.

NOTE: We attempt to create bouquets to look like in the picture but in certain conditions, we may need to make flower substitutions. Please be confident that we will make your flower bouquet look gorgeous!


Additional information

Weight 100 g