Roses and Lisianthus Wreath


The combination of white roses, white lisianthus & white wax flowers in this wreath arrangement makes it easy to see that love is on your mind.


50 in stock

Roses and Lisianthus Wreath

Roses and Lisianthus Wreath



Roses white mix – 70 to 75 stems.


Flowers always prefer to stay in temperatures between 8 to 22 degrees Celsius, and always avoid placing the flowers near direct sunlight, heating or cooling vents, directly under ceiling fans, or anywhere with a hot temperature.

When your flowers arrive in closed bud form, it’s okay. After a time the roses they’ll begin to bloom beautifully in no time!

NOTE: We attempt to create an arrangement to look like in the picture but in certain conditions, we may need to make flower substitutions. Please be confident that we will make your flower arrangement look gorgeous.